Known for its great performance, high-end security and easy content authoring, Drupal as a CMS has been designed for delivering performance rich and robust websites. Being one of the flexible CMS, Drupal is applauded with some excellent tips and tricks that are geared towards new Drupal developers:
Drupal helps businesses accomplish their business objectives and it is quite useful for developers:
Optimizing For Search
The extent to which a website is optimized for search plays an important role in its overall success. Fortunately, Drupal embeds all those functionality that allows you to take care of everything in that context. These include:
- Control over custom titles, meta descriptions and URL’s
- Google analytics integration
- SEO-focused modules like Metatag, Yoast and Nodewords
- Caching to improve website performance
Taking Control of Spam
When operating Drupal community website, spams are one of the major hurdles. Other than obstructing the website with unrequired clutter, spams represent security risk. Drupal is acquainted with powerful modules and functionality that keep web pages spam-free.
You can do the following other than installing Akismet and spamicide:
- Install Flag abuse module to allow users police the website.
- Block user registration to require admin approval
- Email verification on newly created accounts
- Installation of geo blocker that offers protection against spam domains
- Using role delay to drip-feed permissions to new users
- Using Ban and Unpublish to simplify removal of spambot users
Be conscious while using optimal themes and modules
Within the installation folder, there is a folder called “modules” and “themes”. These folders resemble the core modules and themes. The folders you need to use lie within the ”sites” folder in Drupal installation. The added advantage of using dev desktop is that you get to place entire Drupal installation in a folder called “sites”. All you need to do is drill down further a couple of layers to the other sites called “folder.Sigh”
On jumbling the core and non-core stuff, developers will create issue for themselves whenever a security update is released.
Keep the URL structure of Drupal content in mind
After having the basic installation in place, you can easily create a new content by navigating to the URL directly.
You may start with:
Content placed within the Drupal website are called nodes. Nodes might comprise an image, page, story or announcement, job listing or a web form. Node, in general, comprises a single piece of content.
For creating a new page, you can browse the following:
After creating the content, you can easily find its nodeID (nid). It is a unique identifier for node in the URL. To determine, nid via the URL of page, use the following URL structure:[nid]
There are multiple aspects to cover while getting accustomed to using Drupal. These tips are definitely going to help both developers and businesses towards creating a secure Drupal website.